Short-term memory loss: frequent problems remembering familiar things such as phone numbers and appointments.
Confusion with time or place. Getting lost in your own neighbourhood, or forgetting how you got there.
Problems with language: Frequent problems finding the right words, or using incorrect words.
Difficulty performing familiar tasks: problems with activities which have become habit, cooking, household tasks, or lifelong hobbies for example.
Problems with judgement, calculations or decision making: frequently demonstrates poor judgement (e.g. going outside without a coat in the winter); frequent difficulty paying bills or managing money day to day.
Misplacing things: frequent problems finding items. We all misplace items from time to time. The difference is often that the item will be put away in an inappropriate place (e.g. finding your car keys in the freezer).
Changes in Mood and Behaviour: Mood swings and sometimes agitation for no apparent reason.
Loss of initiative: Loss of motivation to start activities and participate in activities which you previously enjoyed.
Changes in Personality: Although with AD, this often happens later in the disease process, some people with AD can act suspicious, withdrawn, or un-cooperative in a way that is different from previous personality.
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